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As an elite class rules with unparalleled power and unchecked corruption, and a general population sits narcotized by a widespread sense of apathy, America seems doomed to fall as many other empires have done throughout history. So say the filmmakers behind the award-winning feature-length documentary Four Horsemen.

This compelling film provides a thorough diagnosis of the country's massive societal and organizational illsand offers several thoughtful remedies along the way. Are we really experiencing the death gasps of the American dream? As a means of comparison, the filmmakers set forth the blueprint of Ancient Rome's demise. This tumultuous period was characterized by a growing disparity between the rich and the poor, unabated abuses of power, a debasement of currency, and a desire among the masses to be controlled.

While some of these comparisons presented in the film are downright ridiculous - are celebrity chefs really a sign of America's oncoming apocalypse? This is not a religious documentary, but the disaster it outlines is almost biblical in its scope. The four horsemen of the title refers to US-led financial wrongdoings, escalating violence, deplorable conditions of poverty, and looming environmental catastrophe. The film contends that the driving force behind this doomsday plot is the new morality in America: The country has gone far afield from a true free market system where wealth is shared and benefits all.

Capitalism may be on the brink of extinction. Today, in the midst of massive deregulation and corporate greed, the country's financial institutions are operating only in their own self-interests. Politicians are owned by corporations, and the wars they wage are merely vehicles to drive profits. In the film's estimation, the real threat lies with an American public that generally accepts the misinformation they're fed without question or protest.

Millions have lost their homes and life savings, and their children are being killed in unnecessary wars. Are the American people fearful of taking a stand, or simply not understanding of the complexities at play? Whatever the reason, Four Horsemen hopes to educate this audience, rally their collective outcry, and inspire a movement for change. A rare breed amongst these documentaries. Many thanks for this one Vlatko, I've been looking forward to seeing it for months!

A must see for anyone who wants to know what is going on in the world. This should be mandatory in schools, yes from first grade on up through college. I like what Bob Hope is reputed to have said, to wit and to paraphrase, "I've been poor and I've been rich and dammit I'd rather be rich.

You have deciphered the problems, your perception leaves scant room for rebuttal and well written. I haven't watched the doc.

I'll watch it later. And based on the comments below its got to be a duzzy. On a side note, I don't think the need to have "the most toys" i. I'm not blaming women, but it seems like the current zeitgeist of media and entertainment make many if not most women judge a potential mate by how much money and power he has.

If you're not a wealthy, successful guy by the age of 35, there's a pretty big chance you'll have a very hard time finding a girl who will "take you seriously".

I honestly can't say the same applies to men, because most guys seem to be more interested in the way women look which is also the product of the current zeitgeist than in their bank accounts. I understand the importance of both appearance and stability in terms of evolution, natural selection and the propagation of our species My grandpa and grandma's courting days were completely different than today's.

Back then it was more about values, religion and family. Not saying that's better, just different. If we were to separate the notion of wealth from procreation and raising a family, people wouldn't be so pressed to hoard as much money and goods as possible in the hopes of attracting a mate.

It would also allow women to stop being objectified and treated like "prizes" of successful men. This is not the doc with Richard Dawkins and his merry band of pagans, you'll have to look elsewhere for that. I'm sorry you feel that way. In my books, the women you describe are very shallow, and would not make a very good mate. The women I know are interested in men who are kind, responsibe and hard-working.

Of course, being attractive and having a sense of humour goes a long way, too. At first glance in the "browse" section, I thought to myself, "Oh no, not another doom and gloom doc. I found this doc very interesting and especially enjoyed listening to the speakers, people like Noam Chomsky. There was a rather strange woman ay No idea who she was and I should look her up.

This doc explained the investment banking system and economics in layman terms, so everything didn't fly over my head. It was actually very optimistic about the future for humankind. Uplifting at the end. Lots of interesting ideas bandied about A couple of times the video quit streaming so I had to jump a little ahead.

For a 90 minute video, this gem never seemed too long, and kept my interest. I really liked this documentary. Very interesting, I'd really recommend it to anyone, since it's everybodys headache. I'm a good looking guy, sense of humor, talented and a hard worker. A lot of my male friends are too. Most of us are either dating or single.

The guys that got married early on were usually the nerdy but established ones, the guys with the big bank accounts and high paying jobs. The ones that couldn't get a date in high school. Women seem to be interested in money with the same passion and zeal as guys that are interested in a pretty face and a hot bod. Both sides are wrong and this is probably why 2 out of 3 marriages in this country end in divorce.

Too many people -- myself included -- are attracted to superficiality looks, money, charisma, popularity and not to substance REAL confidence, humor, empathy, faithfulness, humility, honesty, virtue, integrity, etc.

Could it merely be that divorce is now easier to obtain and that the social stigma has gone down? In this respect, could it be that couples have begun to realize that their needs can change over time? A lot of hot air but a few key points that make this well worth the time. They can no longer hide.

Then true capitalism will solve the rest. NO corporate co-ownership of insurer and banks, or different classes of banks. REALITY must actually reign, not quant based fantasy formulae. NO chance of homelessness, starvation, or unavailability of medical care. Harry this is feasible; In that when push comes to kcuf shove things get done and we are about there. You have exposed major breaches and holes in the system. You haven't put a band aid but redirected the process flow so as to strengthen economic integrity, I'm concerned with, "Incentive", i heard mention of it in the body of the text?

Can you elaborate on this? I'm going to go back and read your post again, I read a lot of it and then scanned in and out. You tacked down a lot of variables and put forth a lot of workable; viable and not to mention practical concepts!

I am not NOT talking about monopolies or common resources markets. For example, the minimum WAGE laws have caused a lot of unemployment. If one cannot understand the arguments don't criticize capitalism. Here's a bet that economist always win. For example; oil prices on average fall, over the business cycle. These ignoramuses have created a iaughable filmWhat country characteristic is common in countries that have created a rich middle class;?

For example, sweden ,USA ,Germany and the asian tigers etc For example; HONG KONG has no natural resources and little production. It only has a port. Why does Hong Kong has a rich middle class? Answer, they are more capitalist than poor countries.

You really have no idea what you're talking about, how exactly is all this going to be paid for, you're basically saying all the US needs to do is expand the size of it's govt and everything will be just swell to the point of being even larger, and even more bought-out by private interests, than it currently is. The rest of your response is just tripe, you blame speculation in commodity markets, yet ignore the fact that 'speculators' gain free money from Central Banks who are desperately trying to prop up the banks who buy up worthless govt debt and the Federal govt who is broke because of the very thing's you're demanding FREE THIS AND THAT, IT'S NOT FREE.

Why assume the system is the problem? If the problem lies outside the system then nothing done to the system will correct the problem. This could explain why all systems are inherently corruptible. Very true; These fools are putting a temporary band aid on Bolder Dam. They seek and profess the the right answers to the wrong questions. What there really saying is lets deefrag, spelling the present system and hope its enough to keep it running until I'm dead and out of here?

Harry though your post has a utopian connotation it must be taken seriously! Not everything you have posted is finalized and must be tweaked, to say the least which I know you agree too.

But just to patch up the old system and reboot won't get it. Much thinking should be given to this! I have got to go. I would like to continue my thoughts I will get back to this later.

So I shouldn't bet on a stock going down, lest it have an ill effect on those who bet it to go up. So the inventor s of the internal combustion engine were bad people because they got rich at the expense of the blacksmiths that they put out of work.

Winners and losers are merely facts of life. You will NEVER stop wealthy people being more attractive until you wave that magic wand and remove the monetary system so there is no varying wealth to be attracted to.

Courting has always been different for different people, there were gold digging sluts years ago and there are chastity preachers today. Rich people don't just hoard wealth to get a mate, power is its own drug entirely separate from procreation.

Gates is hoarding wealth long after marrying his wife. Both sexes objectify each other on numerous levels regardless of any monetary factors. You need to drop the ego and pretend for a night that you're not funny, or handsome or talented and try to BE the values you think everybody should have.

IC engines just changed the parts the blacksmith made for his customers, and the services they offered, assuming the blacksmith had the skills to remain viable. This may be true but we also need to understand that the absence of a monetary system does not necessarily lead to democracy, freedom, and rights. Thinking otherwise would also be Orwellian doublethink.

I wouldn't say that women are interested with the same passion and zeal. I would say women are interested with equal passion and zeal. I know that appears nuanced but that nuance exposes difference. Keep in mind we would be saying that all systems are corruptible which means that any system is corruptible. Do you still agree it is very true?

The point is that if I short stock honestly i. I'm not going to allow the possibility of putting large numbers of people out of work to curtail my endeavors in getting my invention on the market and hopefully waxing opulent. Those who cannot transition are simply out of luck. I have no responsibility towards them. Let's put aside the question of an honest buck.

Would you short a stock dishonestly if you could and if you could what would be the argument either for or against? No, I wouldn't, for I couldn't live with myself if I did and I wouldn't want someone else to do the same to me. I do agree with you! People don't like govt control. Some people forget, We are the govt. These people are not using their money to crap shoot with there using our money and with no one looking over there shoulder, that's just a set up for disaster, to me.

That's like asking all the viewers at TDF to pitch in and send me to the casino. You have no idea who i am or anything about me. Why would we had some strange banker our money and say, "Roll the dice"! So much has to be changed!! Well that sounds good on paper and it's true free mkts correct and monitor there self.

However the time it takes to correct a bad situation takes too long and a lot of people are hurt! Like Ross Perro spelling stated, "People have to be taught to be good".

Documentary films for educators – Collective Eye Films

It's not that cut a dry there has to be a realistic balance between free rains and control, a protection against ourselves! Nothing i have posted is carved in stone! Wide open for input here! Just words for thought? There is a lot of worthy posting below. It's hard to read it all properly in one sitting. I will go back and dot the I's and cross the T's.

This over all topic is a crucial one not just an abstract muse. Roy I'm for that! Maybe not in those exact words. Talk about separation of "church and state" how about "separation of corp. I truly fear it may be to late. The mere fact that we are suffering under an affirmative action President, who has no credibility or intelligence, proves it. I don't think Americans have it in them to do what needs to be done.

When law and law enforcement is prejudice against the people, who will stand up. The elected officials are, as you stated, "all bought and paid for. I was hoping that they could find this doc. It's overall scope was very universal and unbiased mostly but definitely a great synopsis of the current monetary system and its weaknesses.

I did expect some higher order comments though. I hadn't been there since the late 60's.

film makers and money documentary filmmakers cooperative

What an eye opener! I kinda put in my 10 cents on "Class War" another great doc. So am still thrashing out some of these concepts there. I'm sure some heavyweight comments will flow here shortly.

film makers and money documentary filmmakers cooperative

Although Harry is unsurprisingly out front as could be expected. I have had the displeasure of seeing things from the 'top' down - the vulgar rich world of hedonistic indulgences fortunately not for too long. Men see women as objects. Love is a pleasure to be bought and paid for. It is brain chemistry. POWER is what attracts at the upper echelons of society. Its a horrible tasteless place of mirrors and chimes, where the strong prey on the weak Buy and sell, supply and demand It's just unspoken business.

THOSE are the real qualities where true love is nurtured There is no true love up at the top of the pyramid, because true love takes emotional courage and commitment. Up top everything is for sale, everything has a price and nothing trumps the desire for power. I can tell you this from experience, the higher up you climb the more bland things become to your senses, and so the more you indulge to compensate.

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Keep it real Lenny! In my books, a man who earns or inherits tons of money has the potential to be either a workaholic or extremely self-absorbed.

And I'm not saying all rich successful men are like that! Looking back on my 23 year marriage, we were happiest in the early years, starting with nothing. Full of hopes and dreams. Working so hard toward our goals. We were a TEAM. I am not so sure that can you directly compare the British and the Roman empires to the western worlds integrated economy and culture? It is not the same structure. Secondly, what about for example the so-called "roaring twenties" in New York and Paris?

That was a time of extreme decadence and wealth and the whole thing crashed. But then the West came back and the US became more powerful than ever. Now there is another downturn, but the global power balance has only shiftet a little. Just heard on CBC Radio that Obama has appointed a Partner with Goldman Sachs, Bruce Heyman, to be his American Ambassador to Canada. Stephen Harper must be so excited. Here comes the 7 billion dollar Keystone pipeline.

What a tangled web they weave, harvey norman christmas trading hours toowoomba politicians, bankers and big industries. Interesting doc, but still no solution as always. BTW the comment made by one people in the doc about gold is completely absurd.

Gold production is not at constant speed, and it does not and cannot in principle match the economical growth. If we keep the current gold extraction per year in fact it will increase and rely on it as money supply, it will dry after 20 years. Anther point is that gold indeed get consumed. Too add, all that needs to change is the price of gold in correlation too the currency being exchanged.

Finally, while pms are used often in the commercial market we need to find replacements and currently are replacing these rare earth metals for cheaper substitutes. Of those elements formed, only silver and gold are solid at room temperature, highly nonreactive to other elements, pose no radioactive threat to living organisms and are ubiquitous enough to be used throughout the planet as a median of exchange.

There is nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come. The only hope is to keep learning, keep talking - more and more people are realizing the futility of capitalism and never ending growth and accumulation of 'private' property -- and beginning to look towards a sense of community again.

Not a lot of people but more and more - I'm hopeful.

film makers and money documentary filmmakers cooperative

Keep the faith, babies. This was a great documentary. I am not sure a return to gold, will solve much. The next big issue facing us, is government debt. In the UK its now pretty hard to find a hr week job. A lot of jobs are now hours a week, and then a lot of those jobs are on a zero-hour contract, which means hours are not guaranteed. Public sector jobs have been protected some what But everyone computer science software engineering option waterloo the private sector is what liquidity risk stock market SUPPOSE to fund the public sector via taxation on profits and wage incomes.

On top of this, its pretty rare to come across a year old that doesn't have a degree. So now even manager jobs at a shop require a degree!. On top of that, homes in the UK cost such silly amounts, that getting a mortgage is almost impossible, especially on zero-hour contracts. So we now have a massive chunk of working people who are struggling to get by. An excellent documentary, that so many need to watch. In fact, there was only one position I could disagree with put forward in this entire show, and that is the need for the re-establishment of a gold standard, which is how the elite gained monetary control over the masses to begin with.

This one point aside, check out this doc, it is well articulated with intelligent, and moral ideas for the betterment of everyone! This doc is the truth about the U. Are we too for gone to stop this I think so? People do not like the truth!!

The problem I believe is a general cultural apathy, and those who profit off the status quo know it. We are obsessed as a file host earn money with icici bank exchange rate calculator own creature comforts, and the small stockpot restaurant haymarket who cry for a new tomorrow by addressing the problems discussed in this film are met with a resounding 'who cares, you're crazy, f--k off.

These are not problems that can be solved by the enlightened individual. I imagine only a dedicated army of activists, educated and displaying the film makers and money documentary filmmakers cooperative of this line of thought daily and without fail will be the only thing to bring about a public willing to hear it, and even that seems unlikely, because we are part of that system as well, and every soldier feels the spiritual drain of war, especially against a more powerful opponent.

I await a tragedy of enormous proportion that will finally either awake the masses, or those who continue on this way dying off because of it. Otherwise, I fear the game is won. If there is some omnipotent Creator to our world, pray he show his presence soon, lest the entire world die of this madness.

Yet, I do not advocate sitting on the sidelines, and I hope the army of activists will stay in the fight, continuing to learn new things of this economic epidemic, and doing stock market yearly close they can to bring our civilization back from this subdued madness.

Stay strong, pray if you believe in some Higher Power, and don't lose hope! Mass cooperation always runs a parallel course with mass competition. The problem, the way I see it, is that we as humans haven't innately developed the ability for our cooperative tendencies to overpower the effects of our competitive ones.

Power structures erected in the past, due to struggling competition, tend to usurp those structures put in place via cooperation. A loving caring helping individual would develop a gun to allow themselves the ability to maintain that which allows him to be a loving caring helping individual. The chick fil a stock market symbol comes with the next guy.

Not by conquest but rather philanthropy. Other tribes whished to join the empire because of the empires philanthropic ways. Tribes did so, starting pay for stock broker thus it became the first empire. Unfortunately, every other empire since then has liked the gun more than the loving and caring part. I don't buy the argument for gold backed currency, gold is useless.

You can not eat it, It's impractical as a building material and clothing material. You can't use it to cultivate or grow anything. You can use it in electronics and it's excellent for preserving information, but other than it's fancy good looks it doesn't have much value other than what the markets tell me.

Which is why it's about the only metal we dig up and then put back in the ground, permanently. Why not base a currency on a basket of life sustaining commodities? That way our money can be backed by all the things that make life possible. But doesn't that form of money already exist? It's the very form of money that is regrettably being exploited by the competitive. It's good at pointing faults but not at solutions, imo. It's just a temporary band-aid solution. As long as we use money, greed will exist and I don't think we will get out of this mess.

If profit, consumerism and power are still valued, how is anything going to get better? Are third world countries going to get better? Is interest, debt and underpaid jobs going to be things of the past? I would rather live in a world which shares all resources in a green, efficient and clean manner, food being abundant, education available to all Where Earth is "owned" by everyone. In the US, Europe and most of the world, we do not have pure "Capitalism", of the free-market variety. HOW can we if, a vital key to the whole system- CURRENCY is not free, but under the central control of the state and instead or providing its key function, as a store of value, is constantly being debased by a progressively authoritarian system that only serves to socialise the losses of the same elitists who promote the destructive scheme, which reinforces failure.

Is almost exactly what is said in the movie. You might advocate other solutions but you and the movie seem to agree on a whole lot of the causes. Perhaps the point is that we need to try something different and we have the ability to try more than one thing at the time. On that issue, I find it difficult to figure out why he insists on reinforcing the officially sanctioned conspiracy theory, though he must have his reasons. There is such overwhelming evidence piling up against the Neo-Cons within government, that it behooves me how an extremely intelligent man like that can't see through the deception.

I have to believe he can, but because of other reasons chooses to say differently. Blueprint for Truth is one of the most authoritative Docs. Only one falsehood has to be proven and the official story falls apart. And yes, there was a lot to be gained from that 90 minutes. Today;s gung-ho, supply-side capitalist would like nothing better than to deep-six income tax and replace it with a consumption tax -- and they have all kinds of arguments to convince us that this would be for the best.

But what they aren't factoring into their plans is corporations having to pay a huge tax on every natural resource they consume -- that is, if the tax were based on the true value of those resources.

I just watch a minute documentary and am now qualified to render judgement on the state of humanity and it's governments. We're all gonna die!!! Economic behaviour is an essentially human behaviour and therefore the problem of economics is at root a moral problem. Even the wage slave in the uS is richer than most the people on this planet. Still demands his minimum acceptable level, his "birth right", just like the rich man, and until he gets what is "rightfully his", whilst he is a victim, an exploited disadvantaged individual, the rest of the world can damn well wait.

Do you know how many children could be fed, immunised, educated, clothed etc. What if each person considered himself rich relative to someone else, the enitre population of the world - 1 would be rich.

What if everybody gave towards the needs of someone poorer than himself? Oh wait, the truly disadvantaged already know this, and share and help each other.

Excellent documentary churning the coming collapse. Dedicating oneself to a great cause, taking responsibility, and gaining self knowledge is the essence of being human. Poverty is not increasing, as shown in is schlumberger a good stock to buy real documentary about statistics of human population and poverty. This documentary is trying so hard to become a "goose-bump" one, it does everything to make it self sound fantastically right.

So many things i want to bring out, just to many. If i was 19years and watch this. But going through poverty and richness myself. I can a have a critical thinking side. Its false and illogical. And i truly believe USA is wanting to help poor countries as USA is governed by REAL PEOPLE like you and me. Not lizard people, or "born to greed" people.

Now dont tell me a guy planning to forex correlation trading pdf people in a subway because he is pissed he lost his "farming" work at home is a "understandable" thing.

Consume, and consume as much as its needed. Dont be ashamed what is underwater stock options ENJOY-CONSUME-HELP-COMPETE-INNOVATE We are Humans from planet Terra. Yes, the problem is greed. Many though see greed as a virtue. They're called sociopaths and they have infested all top positions in the society from banks sectors to governments, military etc.

It is not an accident. An urge for power is one of the main characteristics of the sociopathic personality. This uimanager.put( joptionpane have some goose-bumpy moments but definitely has a more considered message than other films.

I'd argue that the Human Rights Revolution could help abolish the 'four horsemen'. Commitment and Compliance with human rights policies, combined with economic reforms would pull power away from non-human legal entities like companies and states, which are inherently susceptible to corruption. IF you give me this" prostitution mentality this is why world falling apart it is the psyche of a rebellious teen. Those at the top of the power structure would like us to believe this is capitalism, but it is forex millionaires robot fact clearly a kleptocracy - a world-wide system of legalized and illegal stealing that siphons all value from below, monitizes it, and concentrates it at the top.

When capital is free for banks and wealthysecured by governments and other public "securitization," and then used without risk to "rent" us value while owning the process of legislation and taxation - this is affiliate cash earn program heart of a kleptocracy.

You might be interested in watching the very excellent interview just done yesterday with Ross Ashcroft Director of Four Horsemen on the 2nd half of the April 22 episode of Keiser Report. Really there can only be two ways to an economic system works. One being, fierce competition which equates to a disparity in income because the victors are the richest and this equates to generations of sustained hierarchies.

There is no denying that the rich get richer, they pay little taxes, have access to great money havens, their kids may not be the brightest but their kids tend to get into prestigious schools and obtain jobs a smarter kid would dream of. Then there is the other option of exchange of services ad government control. Humans like to compete and they don't like to be controlled, it's not really forex diploma courses in mumbai competition when the first generation has passed because every subsequent generation is just a passing on of duties and wealth.

Really the best option is a mixture of goverment control and a free competition driven economy. If it was such a bad doc why have you been commenting on it? Seems it done what it supposed to do! This is a very informative documentary about the fall empires like the one in the west such as the USA.

Nine billion people in the world. Progress they have always called it. Pakistan doesn't even want us there 'helping' them rebuild because it is not helping them, it is self serving. Most of the jobs we have now in the USA are only serving the higher ups. Look at all our SUVs. Who doesn't drive one? We are getting used to paying outlandish gas prices so we can continue to drive.

We'll do without something else. I am recommending this documentary to everyone. This Documentary answered many of my those big questions must watch for any students. Everyone can't be rich the new system they propose works best for the whole society rather than particular group of people so those who provide the best will get rich those who perform bad will get less paid.

Lamentably this critical fact was ignored, and remedies were vague hints at tax reform and eliminating fiat money. I cannot recall whether it was ZPG or NPG, which logically and sensibly states; paraphrased "ALL attempts to remedy the problems commonly described as the "four horsemen" will be temporary, and doomed to failure without reducing human numbers".

What can the average joe do about this apparent rip off government sanctioned green light to Goldman Saks!! The powerful will always win out over the Masses! It is the way it has been forever. Nothing will change that. The rich control the government all cabinet positions. They will sell out to corporations and the banking elite. Most people will not see this documentary. This should be a must see by all college and University students and their faculties. There is no Morality in the making of money off the misfortunes of the middle class!!

The economic hit-men are alive and well!!! They now make money off loans to other countries. Lets hope their will be a shift before any revolution!!! It doesn't say capitalism is the problem. Forex free practice account says that we've distorted true capitalism and that we should tax consumption rather than how to use fibonacci spiral trading, etc.

It says we need to get rid of growth by means of speculative bubbles. That we should return to currency that is tied to gold rather than currency tied to politics. Gold tied currency would help stem the flow of dollars or "money for nothing". It says that we need to correct the ivey league education that focuses on a model of economics that favors corporations at the expense of the population.

I find it ironic that you comment on the lack of education of the average person watching this documentary and giving it a high rating. You clearly seem to be the one lacking a sufficient education to actually listen to what this documentary is saying. Capitalism is great but corporations have created socialism for them and capitalism for everyone else which means we pay for our mistakes AND we pay for their mistakes.

Meanwhile they are rewarded for their achievements, rewarded for our achievements, rewarded for their failures AND rewarded for our failures. Your the type of person who perpetuates this insanity because you can't seem to comprehend what is right in front of you - EVEN when it is spelled out in a very easy to follow documentary.

You keep going through all these comments saying they didn't identify the problem or the solution. They point out all the places where our current system does not follow a true capitalist model. There are a few self proclaimed hard core capitalists in this movie who say they love capitalism but what we have in the US is not true capitalism, for the most part because what used to be an even playing is now so far titled in the favor of a few that almost no one else has a fighting chance.

They also criticize the central banking system and tax avoidance schemes by large corporations. Taxing income and goods should be removed and, in place, we should be taxing consumption of natural resources.

Should I go through the movie again with time stamps and detail every problem they identify and again, with time stamps, all the solutions they tout? This film is almost entirely leftist propaganda.

It blames everything from terrorism to poverty in the 3rd world on the West. Typical liberal anti-West thinking. You may feel this is leftist propaganda "me", however I question those anonymous pinheads too afraid to use their real name in criticizing anything anywhere on the internet.

Ironic isn't it, that generally speaking, the wealthier, more developed a country is the lower the birth rate. The higher the poverty rate, the higher the birth rate. Many of the poor have lots of children as a means of support in their old age.

Therefore, if you want to control population growth, one means is to eradicate reduce poverty. Another is to increase the general educational level of the existing population. The moment the government of America bought ailing corporations and pressured them to implement policies that aligned with supposedly political objectives, then that is already State Capitalism.

It is unlike China today that owns all the means of production. There is what we call a Tragedy of Commons that politicians would use because he represents majority rule and can afford mistakes on behalf of the voters who happen to like him.

When Democrat FDR took the initiative to reinvent the economy with a new deal he created the mortgage firms or what has become sub prime outfits. His battle cry was Two cars in every garage! The government imposed progress via household consumption - yet that was not meddling with capitalism but rather supporting the rise of the middle class who were tasked to work and generate capital if prosperity had been financed.

This led to the thirst for goods and services that sustained the economic activity of the free world.

However since such politics became dated, even democrats, now embracing environmentalism, ganged up against the seemingly wasteful conditions not realizing that it was their Democrat party that promoted that policy. It was actually good while it lasted but as soon as the initiative was bankrupt of support, the recessionary forces that it successfully mitigated returned with a kick. This is a thought provoking film. I think people in first world countries should watch these types of documentaries as a counterpoint to the messages they get from mainstream media and culture.

Of course, this is propaganda. Most information can be labeled as such since all information comes from the biased perspective of one or a few people.

The key is to understand and listen to many biased perspectives from many, educated thoughtful people in order to get as comprehensive an understanding as possible of complex situations and systems.

Why are we not discussing this particular perspective more in our day to day discussions with fellow citizens interested in living a moral life based on deeply felt principals? It's an interesting documentary that I think is thought provoking. I'll note it's biased against neo-liberalism which guides Conservative policy primarily. Still, there's some good information. It has zero to do with "leftist" ideology.

It's sometimes hard for certain segments of or society to stomach anything that challenges the long cherished narrative, the US is the supreme force of good and morality in the observable universe. I would suggest YOU ARE TOTALLY CLUELESS. Why you bither to comment on something you obviously don't understand, is beyond mr.

The key is to understand Like it or not, deny it or not, aware of it or not, there is no escaping the essential fact that you are changing the world. The majority of people are forced into careers they don't enjoy and lives that do not make them happy therefore they never pursue their dreams and never amount to anything more than the last lifeless body that performed functions for the job they wasted their entire life performing.

Those people get everything handed to them on a platinum platter while everyone else is forced to make hard choices constantly, choices they would normally never accept, but our economic system is structured around taking possibilities away from the majority and limiting people in as many ways as humanly possible. To change the world you have to be in a position to have an affect on it and most of us will never have any affect on this planet save that which benefits the special class.

Invest in your own home, your children's future, your personal small business but give nothing to any corporation or bank; leave no money in a bank and nothing in the stock market. Phoenician city-states all thought they would last forever, they all had the perfect political system, the most money, the smartest citizens Socialism is alive and well if you are rich.

That is what we call today, "ZIRP," or, "Bail Outs. And Pelosi applauds lower work hours because people now have all this free time to pursue their dreams! In a nutshell, science demands my first statement to be true absolutely. I consider myself an activist, or an advocate if you will well, who likes all those silly sorts of labels anyway? If you don't like the demands put on you, then why do you accept them? If your job has made you into a zombie just so you can 'get by' or 'pay the bills' or 'send the kids off to college' or whatever else it is that you do, why don't you quit your job and take your life back?

Isn't a life worth far more than a job? When you pay the piper, the piper grows fatter and ornerier, and demands more. You endorse that system and promote it. Every purchase you make is shaping the economic structure to whichever way you are intending it to go. Every purchase you withhold is a boycott, a withholding of nutrients of a system you find unmanageable. When I look at a society like the one in the U.

I see a terrible poverty of very little happiness. And the main reason for the unhappiness is because it is what the people have settled for.

It is, in a sense, the collective will. Only the individual can decide to step out of a delusion of a life. I can't find the post now, sorry, but no one 'has' to be rich. As humans and mammals, we share with other life forms the need for food and water to live. Moving up, we can recognize shelter and tools as part of our evolution, and other inexplicable things like song and dance which all humans everywhere seem to do. As the beings that we are, I'd also say that we are driven for other things as well.

Unfortunately, our drive for greatness always seems to disintegrate into the chaos of misconstrued and destructive myths- that 'being rich is good' being amongst the most time-defying and stubborn of them all. At the same time, I think we all 'know,' somehow, without moralizing about it, that the greatest good goes, or ought to go, to the greatest number of people.

Freedom of speech and information, health care, education, protection from exploitation and slavery- these are but of few of the values that are not necessary for our digestive system but that we regard as universal rights nevertheless. While the holding of such values dear satiates our heart and provides for emotional happiness, I don't recall hearing any convincing argument that being rich did anything at all for the heart or the stomach.

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So the question becomes then why do people long for 'affluence? If so, what can cure it. Will the human race survive long enough to find out? The next time we look at what the left hand of Wall Street is doing, we ought to be brushing up on our knowledge of the U. Charter on Human Rights as well. Ignored and abused, it nevertheless supersedes all nations' individual constitutions and is the law of the land.

A legitimate body of law that waits implementation. As a person I would like to contribute up to million dollars in your endeavor - How does that sound?! You are a having a conversation that can be best quantified as a classroom of "special needs" children, arguing over who is the smartest.

There is NO monetary system that will ever suit the needs of what truly needs nurturing, Humanity. Yes, gold served its purposes, but this cycle has repeated itself since the even before the fall of the Roman empire.

People would entrust the "care" of their gold to "gold keepers" who would issue out receipts of deposit, it became aware very quickly that people didn't first go get their gold to then go out and conduct trade, they just traded the receipts of deposit, therein creating the flaw in the system that has repeated itself so many times before where MORE receipts than deposits would be issued out.

The fault of any Monetary system is that it is based off a principle that in order to create wealth, or maybe achieve "greater" wealth, that there is a debt component needed. We are literally about the enter an age where technology is going to take over EVER FACET of our society.

Where having a "job" will be rare if not obsolete. The only real reason individuals are motivated to work particular jobs are they have found a task that they are somewhat good at or have got a knack for, and they have "bills" to pay.

The whole notion of "capital wealth" will collapse. We can already see how the current oil glut, fabricated in my eye, has caused the price of crude commodities to plunge to its lowest price in a decade.

All these multi leveraged tiered derivative debt structures that were built around this seemingly ever increasing price of crude are now collapsing, and the organizations that were built around them are facing the same fate.

I find it funny that the best "mind opener" when talking about the monetary system could be taken from South Park, an episode they aired that had some "bank robber" crash land on earth with a so perceived crazy amount of "space bucks" stolen from the galactic community.

So Earth's governments diving up the spoils and start fighting over it to which finally the aliens that had been watching come to earth and basically call everyone "expletive" retarded and subsequently isolate Earth from the rest of the universe.

Yes, a bit of a stretch, but if you think about it, this whole notion of "debt" is completely made up in our mind. Even gold, while the argument for its "value" bases itself on that it is rare, difficult to locate and procreate, of tangible and accountable quantity and hard to transport. However any "value" we give gold is still really just an intangible exercise of "consumer confidence. The only "item" that has any REAL value for the society of humanity is "intelligence.

But how much more an education, not to be confused with a schooling, today, as opposed to an education ten years from now. That TRULY is a time value equation manifesting itself, and intelligence can be manipulated as well, as you can see with the corruption of the American Schooling system that producing mindless drones ready to incorporate themselves like good little cogs into the machinery, so once an individual achieves true education and gain a bit of intelligence, it is their moral obligation to share that with as many as they can.

Knowing the world was round was a worthless idea, until the WHOLE world was able to see the evidence and understand. Unlike currency, where the more you duplicate it, it looses its value, the more you duplicate intelligence, the more you MULTIPLY its value. Steve Job's University of Standford address stands out for his reflection on how it was only years later that he was able to "connect-the-dots" of his seemingly random choices that at the time seems to bear no bearing to any of his future endeavours.

This video is such an attempt to connect the dots. I cannot help but be preoccupied with thinking of what kind of world will my little girl be living in. What decisions can be made now to make that future a slightly better one? This video in no way offers that answer but it helps to connect yet another dot. There are many things to take away from this documentary but what stands out is the message that to exact any change in the socio-economic ecosystem you are part of requires as a pre-requisiste to become self aware.

This is within the power of anyone to enact. The video is rich in content for further exploration. Here is a list of individuals interviewed as authorities to support the video's main thesis in order of appearance and presentation. Hope this helps you to explore the topic further:. Gillian Tett Assistant Editor - Financial Times Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson Former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell David Morgan Silver Investor Prof Noam Chomsky Professor of Linguistics, MIT Satish Kumar Founder - Schumacher College Prof.

Simon Johnson Former IMF Chief Economist Tarek El Diwany Former Derivative Trader Prof Herman Daly Former Senior World Bank Economist Max Keiser Former Wall Street Trader John Perkins Former Economic Hit-Man Hugo Salinas Price President - Mexican Civic - Association Pro Silver George Nilson Baltimore City Council Lawyer Prof Joseph Stiglitz Former World Bank Chief Economist James Turk GoldMoney Foundation Prof.

Michael Hudson Government Policy Advisor Rev'd Donal Reeves MBE Founder - The Soul of Europe Lord Ahmed of Rotherham First UK Muslim Life Peer Kaiser Bengali Economist Najma Sadeque Researcher and Journalist Prof. Richard Wilkinson Professor of Social Epidemiology Philip Blond Director - ResPublica Camila Batmanghelidjh Founder - Kids Company Dr. Ha-Joon Chang Faulty of Economics, Cambridge University.

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