How to make gold botting wow

How to make gold botting wow

By: Delia Date: 27.05.2017

Pages Level 1 Gold Guide How to reduce lag. Please enable JavaScript fully to view the site correctly. Monday, July 8, How Chinese Gold Farmers Make Gold - Part 3 - Halls of Lightning. You may have had to run knee-deep in skeletons when visiting some of the older instances from time to time, if you play on a PVP realm.

An excellent example is Halls of Lightning in Storm Peaks. These are the hotspots where gold farmers like to make their gold by using 3rd party programs. How much are they making in Halls of Lightning? Can you do it too, without bots? Storm Peaks There's 3 entrances near Ulduar - Storm Peaks.

Rightmost takes you to Halls of Lightning. Upper middle entrance takes you to Ulduar.

Leftmost leads to Halls of Stone. They prefer the normal mode, so they can continuously farm it throughout the day.

[Bot] What way do you make your gold botting?

Their favoured class is the paladin, a great solo farming class, especially in protection spec. Now I haven't inspected this instance thoroughly, but I haven't found any clever tricks here. I would assume they are just farming the mobs here and resetting the instance at a certain point.

The first room alone has 5 packs of mobs and some extras, but farming only them and resetting would bring downtime, as there's a limit of 5 on how many instances you can clear per hour. Keep in mind that botting is against WoW's EULA, so should you want to attempt this, you should do it like I did, manually.

It's faster and more profitable! Halls of Lightning is a straight forward instance that offers a few good sources of gold. The main item you're finding here is Frostweave Cloth.

It's very valuable now that no one bothers to farm it usually. You'll also get a ton of relics, but they're not as valuable. To get even more frostweave cloth, a toon should have the cloth scavenging perk from tailoring.

I tested their method and cleared the instance in 8 minutes as a level 90, killing every mob in the instance, and scavenged the constructs with engineering. I did not have tailoring. As a level 90 you can basically do the instance with just one pull.

Though there's a door blocking until a boss is killed and some mobs like to leash, so at least 3 pulls is recommended. You'll also need a tanking spec for massive pulls. Items and gold obtained in 8 minutes: The total amount of wow gold gained from those items was about If I turn the frostweave into bags, I can make a LOT more. On the second run I obtained wow gold instead, and on the third run wow gold.

So it's quite profitable even if you don't find anything special. A bot run takes a lot longer than 8 minutes, so they will never hit the 5 instances per hour cap. There's a vendor and repair npc just outside the instance, so it's a very short break when one needs to repair. However, bots just vendor their loot, except maybe valuable trade goods. Still, the amount of gold they make per run is almost the same, as there's no point disenchanting wotlk greenies or blues.

It's always more profitable to vendor them instead, at least on most realms. This instance's blue BOEs are more complicated. Sometimes you get 0 and sometimes how to make gold botting wow in a row. They offer nice stats, but pale in comparison to same level boe items from Cataclysm. That said, they are very hard to sell, but still alforex seeds jobs for wow gold should you find a buyer.

Often it's a better idea to just vendor them, especially if it's a weapon that has high AH fees and a good vendor price. Gold Making contest is over! Two winners should receive a notification within 24 hours. One mount and two pets was won. Check your PM on the Loot Hunter forum and follow the instructions if you participated. Also let me know if I should publish your name here. One winner had to be disqualified though, because forex fuzzy in logic trading systems winner gold making tip was removed by the user.

I'll hold another contest at some point to give the extra item and some other freebies out! WoW Gold Guide by Kuja.

Botting with a Conscience: Why and How I Bot in WoW | World of Warcraft

AOE FarmingFarmingInstance farming. Newer Post Older Post Home. WoW Gold Guide Alchemy 14 AOE Farming 14 Auction House 56 Balls of Steel 7 Blacksmithing 7 Cooking 4 Daily Quests 2 Disenchanting 15 Embersilk Farming 2 Enchanting 28 Engineering 21 Exploration 4 Farming Fishing 3 Frostweave Farming 3 Garrisons 4 Guild Gold Making 2 Herbalism 17 Holiday Events 16 Inscription 4 Instance farming 75 Instant Respawn 5 Jewelcrafting 18 Leatherworking 7 Level 1 Gold Tips 2 Leveling 4 Loot bag farming 2 Loot Hunters 35 Low Level Guides 21 Milling 1 Mining 22 Mists of Pandaria 1 Mount Farming 15 News 28 Pets 35 Pickpocketing 1 Prospecting 7 PVP Gold Making 1 Rare monster hunt 7 Recipe Reselling 10 Skinning 8 Smelting 4 Stockpiling 5 Tailoring 13 Transmogrification 7 Treasure Hunt 7 Troves of the Thunder King 1 Valuable Loot 19 Warlords of Draenor Soloing 1 Windwool Farming 1.

Kil'jaeden Defeat Cinematic 14 hours ago. Resetting Markets to Make Gold in Legion 9 months ago. How To Earn Free Packs In Hearthstone Using MyPoints 1 year ago. Solo Farming Elegon Mount.

Let's do some mount farming for a change! Most expensive pets in World of Warcraft - WoW Gold Guide. Here's a more extensive list of pets that can be sold for a lot of gold, like I promised before!

Cheapest should be sold for no less tha WoW TCG Loot Card Giveaway! Time for more loot giveaways! This time I have 2 loot cards for the Tabard of Flame. If you don't need it yourself, you can always se Farming Blade of Wizardry - WoW Gold Guide. Here's another valuable item that not everyone recognizes, the Blade of Wizardry. What makes this weapon valuable is it's looks, an Black Temple farming - Over g in 2 minutes!

All of the elemental Motes from The Burning Crusade are very expensive and still in surprisingly high demand, so a quick way to make some ex WoW Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition Giveaway! Easiest way to make Hypnotic Dust - Enchanting Gold Guide.

One of the most asked question I've received is the following: Where to farm Large Brilliant Shards?

how to make gold botting wow

The previous method needs lots of Large Brilliant shards to work. But since they're selling for even g a piece on some realms, is it Solo farming Reins of the Onyxian Drake. Last World of Warcraft mount farming tip focused on solo farming Ashes of Al'ar.

Let's visit an another instance that awards yet an WOW TCG Loot Card Giveaway! Here's the next Loot Card giveaway! Hundreds of cards, yet only 1 or 2 can be yours!

What will you win? If you're lucky enough, mayb People usually make use of the free honor and slaughter the hundred bots continuously, leaving a massive pile of bones in wake.

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